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neovim: migrating to init.lua
Mar 26, 2022

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Last night I tweeted a mission I wanted to accomplish:

What inspired me to do this was to being able to use lspkind-nvim, which really looked amazing, there’s something nice when you’re able to visually determine what the autocompletion options mean.

In practice this post is a followup of my previous posts:

  1. Neovim Basic Settings
  2. Neovim Look and Feel Plugins
  3. Neovim Productivity Plugins
  4. Neovim Go Plugins

In the end the following gist, covers the configuration I was able to make it work:

With a few important things to call out:

  1. To install packer use: git clone --depth 1 ~/.config/nvim/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim, I got this tip from From init.vim to init.lua - a crash course
  2. I had to use tami5/lspsaga.nvim instead of glepnir/lspsaga.nvim because there seems to be an issue with the Code Action feature.

In the end it really looks amazing:

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