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Finished Reading: Microservices in Action
Nov 01, 2018

Microservices in Action is a book written by Morgan Bruce and Paulo A Pereira, published by Manning in October 2018.

Microservices in Action is from top to bottom the most complete Microservices-related book in the market right now. Its content and structure clearly differentiates from others books I’ve read in the past, it’s more concrete and explicit, it indicates what you will require for properly implementing Microservices in the real world, the problems you will face and more importantly it mentions concrete technologies that are, practically, applicable to any programming language or cloud provider.

It is not a long read at all, it’s an enjoyable one. Both Bruce and Paulo do not sugar coat the reality of Microservices, from the beginning they clearly indicate that developing and maintain Microservices requires certain level of technical maturity on your team and your organization, Microservices require special attention and are not a silver bullet.

Microservices in Action could be a bit a hard to follow if this is your first time reading Microservices, because it mentions a lot of concepts and technologies that require previous knowledge, however if you decide to research further it shouldn’t be a problem.

It mentions something I couldn’t agree more with: despite the fact that Microservices can be implemented however we like, we must first focus our attention to define standards for the build pipelines, tracing, logging and collection of metrics, so in the end it doesn’t matter what framework or programming language you use, all of them will have the same degree of visibility.

Microservices in Action even touches the human factor a bit, associated to developing Microservices, how to organize your teams, how to determine who is the product owner, who should be on call, how to share our knowledge with other teams in the organization and even how to propose new changes to our system.

This is truly a phenomenal Microservices book. I highly recommend it.

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