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Finished Reading: Get Programming with Go
Oct 29, 2018

Get Programming with Go is a book written by Nathan Youngman and Roger Peppé, published by Manning in August 2018.

Full disclaimer: I did not finish reading Get Programming with Go today, instead I got my offical copy today! I was lucky enough to review this book when it was a MEAP back in March and not only that but I had the chance to talk to Nathan back at Gophercon this year.

You may think I’m baised, but the truth is that this is a really good book, I do honestly like it, the work done by Nathan and Roger is fascinating, it is perhaps the best Go book you will find for learning Go, specially useful for newcomers, granted it may be a bit underwhelming for experienced programmers, but I still think it’s useful either way.

In my opinion the best thing about Get Programming with Go is its structure, it takes a more didactical approach, introducing each Go feature and syntax using simple yet real examples making the content so easy to read and understand that it feels like it could easily become one of those first books students use for learning how to program.

I don’t have any negatives about Get Programming With Go, it gets the work done.

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