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Goals: August 2017
Aug 01, 2017

Five more months and 2017 will be gone. How crazy is that? Last month was a blur, I couldn’t complete everything I planned. C’est la vie.


I’m making excellent progress with the changes I planned. It kind of feels like those cooking shows where the ingredients are all over the place and in the end the final plate is displayed beautifully. I feel like August will be the best one regarding those new changes. I’ll tell you in September.


I started a new series of blog posts, something I like to call Building a Healthy Codebase. The principal idea is to share things I’ve learned (and keep learning) during my professional career, also I plan to include bad practices as well.

Regarding my reading, sadly, I couldn’t complete all the four books I planned, I did finish The Obstacle is The Way and Streaming Data, but could not complete the other two: I started The Power of Habit, really cool book by the way, also really long, and I haven’t touched The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

What am I planning for August 2017?

Complete those two books I meant to complete in July. I won’t be adding new planned books to read but instead I want to work a bit on a personal project with Go and Redis, I’ll share the progress when time comes.

August will be exciting.

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