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Finished Reading: Debugging Teams
Jun 26, 2017

Debugging Teams: Better Productivity through Collaboration (affiliate link) is a book written by Brian W. Fitzpatrick and Ben Collins-Sussman, and published by O’Reilly in October 2015.

Humility. Respect. Trust

Those three words are the pillars in Debugging Teams: Better Productivity through Collaboration. I could not agree more when the authors mention all of your professional conflicts are caused by the lack of any of those three things.

Humility. Respect. Trust

I feel like most of the books I’ve read in the recent past intersect each other, it’s like a recurrent theme, consider Ego is The Enemy where it’s all about Be humble, listen and have self-control, or The Extraordinary Leader where it’s all about Self Control and let’s don’t forget about As a Man Thinketh which it’s basically about all of this combined.

It’s our human nature what affects our professional (and personal) relationships, our fears and lack of confidence it’s what trigger abrupt reactions, all of this caused because of lack of self-esteem. We could be great technical human beings but social skills are really required (Soft Skills (affiliate link) anyone?).

I enjoyed this book, it is short, but it does include some valuable material and really recommended for all Software Developers, it does include some material that could apply to any industry but it’s clear it’s meant to be read by programmers.

Recall: Humility. Respect. Trust

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