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Finished Reading: Building the Web of Things
Feb 16, 2017

Building the Web of Things (affiliate link) is a book written by Dominique D. Guinard and Vlad M. Trifa and published by Manning Publications in June 2016. I got this one during a sale while it was still in early access, I decided to wait a bit until the final version before starting reading.

Building the Web of Things is the first book completed this month and to tell the truth, although it is a really easy read, it took me way longer to finish than expected. I did not want to rush it because this is, practically, my introduction to Internet of Things.

Being my first IoT book everything was new to me, however I was able to recognize a few hardware brands and software but in the end this was new territory. So did I like it?

I did, I liked it a lot. I consider it a great introduction for people with zero experience, like me, to Internet of Things. Starting from the first chapter the authors introduce you to what is Internet of Things, they describe some real world examples and explain the current state of the art. I think te coolest thing about the book is the hands-on approach, they include snippets of code (that is downloadable) to explain how to connect, interact and build your own Thing.

What I believe is the selling point of Building the Web of Things is the full explanation of the architecture proposed by Dominique Guinard, it covers and explains all layers with code examples while introducing new proposed standards, software, protocols and cool stuff I never knew of before.

Building the Web of Things is definitely for anyone interestest in Internet of Things.

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