31st of the year! "Go Programming Blueprints", cover is fixed as well 😌 pic.twitter.com/bbyzNBQPGt
— Mario Carrion (@mariocarrion) December 16, 2016
I have accomplished what I promised in October! To finish reading Go Programming Blueprints, fun fact is that I got this book in 2015 as a Father’s Day gift. I finished reading it more than one year later. Jeez.
Go Programming Blueprints was written by Mat Ryer and published by Packt. It is the fifth physical Go book I’ve read this year and surprisingly it does not overlap any of the other four, as a matter of fact I believe this complements them nicely.
Although there are lot of things included in this book, the following three are the ones that caught my attention:
constant to define the animation status, Animate = true
and DontAnimate = false
; this explicitly indicates purpose of those values, much more clear.Control+C
The best about Go Programming Blueprints is how it’s laid out, however I can see it being difficult for newcomers, either new to the language or to programming in general, but if you take the time to read the Manning books first and then this one, you shouldn’t have a problem following it and taking advantage of all the snippets and explanations.
I liked this book, as a matter of fact, I already bought the second edition for reading it in 2017:
$5 Every Book Every Video? 🤔 For now, I'll take 3 for next year #Packt pic.twitter.com/eUdelCbkV0
— Mario Carrion (@mariocarrion) December 16, 2016