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Finished Reading: Amazon Web Services in Action
Aug 02, 2016

In my August goals I mentioned I was close to finish reading Amazon Web Services in Action, well it didn’t take that long, half commute today and done.

I’ve been using AWS for about 6 years already and I’ve never had a “proper official” training, everything I’ve done and learn was from reading the official documentation and the official blog.

Amazon Web Services in Action is great book that covers the basic services, like EC2, S3, DynamoDB and Elasticache, just to mention some of them. It gives you specific examples about stateless servers and it works as an introduction to build scalable platforms.

This book, together with Scalability Rules: 50 Principles for Scaling Web Sites Kindle Edition and The Art of Scalability: Scalable Web Architecture, Processes, and Organizations for the Modern Enterprise are a great way to understand how to build Scalable Web Services, the previous two give you best practices and this one explains you how to do it using AWS, perfect combination.

One thing I personally like a lot about Amazon Web Services in Action is the examples, the author encourages using “Templates” for building your stacks, basically Infrastructure as Code, which is one of the best ways to handle building consistent architectures.

Although some of the concepts are familiar to me already, I’m really satisfied with this book because of the way the examples are presented, some new key concepts I wasn’t aware of, and in general is a really straightforward read.

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