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Half year review and July 2016 goals
Jul 01, 2016

Independence month has started, that means half year is gone and 2017 is getting closer. Let’s recapitulate my accomplishments so far, using the previous monthly updates as reference:

  1. February
  2. March
  3. April
  4. May
  5. June

What I get from those previous posts is the following 3 things:

  1. I’ve finished reading 18 books so far and I’m currently reading Go in Action. Based on that I will be able to finish reading 38 books this year, at least 30 that’s for sure.
  2. My personal free time estimates are horrific. I estimated I would be able to have 5 hours a week for working on personal projects, that was clearly a Wrong estimate. I really don’t have an answer for this yet, but I’ll keep trying.
  3. The few open source projects I already created (sentinel, book-tracker and dynamic docker composer) have gained zero traction, obviously because I haven’t had enough free time nor enough motivation, everything is in stand-by, sadly.

This is tough, because I do have some ideas, which to me sound interesting and appealing but the lack of motivation are killing any possible project before it even starts.

All I know for sure is that the first step in the journey is always the most difficult one, I just need to keep pushing the envelope.

So what is the plan for this July 2016? Simple:

  1. Finish reading Go in Action.
  2. Read at least two more books.
  3. Have Dynamic Docker Composer ready.

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