I finished reading another MEAP published book this month, the second Manning one and the third total this month. This time it was Re-Engineering Legacy Software. It covers everything needed for bringing legacy software to the 21st century. The tools suggested in this book are Java specific, but as the author says there are similar tools available for any modern Programming Language.
From the Ruby perspective I practically recommend and use all the ones supported by pronto, specially:
- Static code analyzer: rubocop
- Code smell detector: reek
- Static analysis security vulnerability scanner: brakeman
- Code Coverage: simplecov
Another great thing I take from this book is Thrift, I recall reading about it some time ago, but the specific example really clicked for me, giving me some ideas on when and how to use it.
Sometimes after finishing reading a book I think Why didn’t I find this book before?!, and the same happened with this one, phenomenal book that covers everything all Software Engineers should know before starting to work professionally. Highly recommended.
16th of the year: "Re-Engineering Legacy Software" pic.twitter.com/mGPTIBKapI
— Mario Carrion (@mariocarrion) April 21, 2016