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A look back to the previous lustrum.
Jan 26, 2016

Five days ago Facebook reminded me, thanks to the On This Day feature, about my first blog related to the Ruby Programming Language.

This first blog post was written five years ago.

What I take from that reminder is not only the fact that Ruby is the programming language I’ve been using professionally and personally the most, but also the fact that I haven’t learned anything new, and that makes me a little sad.

By that I don’t mean anything new, of course I have learned a lot of things during this last five years. I don’t mean that, I mean something I personally wanted to learn. Something that inspired me to write a bunch of code in my free time, to get involved with whatever community surrounding that new thing, stuff like that, basically doing something outside my regular obligatory daily job.

Granted great personal things happened to me in the last five years and having some personal free time was difficult. However that is not a real excuse, in the end I believe if you really want to do something you’ll find the way to do it.

The truth is that I didn’t start having these thoughts 5 days ago, I’ve been trying to improve myself since last year, but for whatever reason I didn’t really have a real opportunity to do so.

As a matter of fact, I can consider 2015 as the year that started the ball rolling, because in 2015 I was able to read 20 new technical books, which is really nothing compared to what I used to read when I was in college, but again, that’s a significant improvement from previous years.

So far this 2016, I already read 2, slow start that’s for sure but I’m confident my previous year record will be broken. I already made a list of the books I want to complete, the list so far contains 66 technical books, which is a lot if you compare it to 2015, but hey daily commuting takes me at least 40 minutes and I can’t let that free time to go to waste.

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