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Hackweek 3. Full Review.
Sep 01, 2008

I have to admit it. I spent a great week in Utah. Novell campus is huge and the girls are really beautiful. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in Provo, Thursday and Friday in Salt Lake City, and Saturday in Moab.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

MonoHotDraw Hacking: I've added a new module of the old branch in trunk. The project solution structure is changed: new folders that suggest classes' goal and coding beautyfying. I didn't port the library to Moonlight, however I learned a lot by testing and writing a simple proof-of-concept library using Moonligth, of course, isn't scalable or pretty IMO, but will be the base for porting from Cairo/Gtk to Moonlight. The proof-of-concept has been branched in our repository as monohotdraw-moon.

Thursday and Friday.

I had the opportunity to be present in Banshee and a11y talks in USTOC 2008. Walking through the Community College remembered by older days back in college, and made me wonder about getting a Master's Degree.

UTOSC 2008


In the weekend we hiked and 4-wheeled, I took several pictures, the place is awesome (you can die easily, btw) I was very impressed with the view and the feeling of being quiet to, actually, hear the silence.

00323    Moab

Looking forward for next HackWeek.

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