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Second month
Feb 05, 2007

Working will always take time, in some cases all your time. Even I started to use The Cycle System, and it works, I started using it too late, but, will keep it doing it until finish everything.

One of the many plans I have for this year is to read, at least, one book every month, doesn't matter the kind of book read, will prefer reading development-related ones, but don't exclude those Sci-Fi-like books. I've read my first book on January, and I'm doing it with February by reading Practices of an Agile Developer. That book is so great, it's a must-have book if you are developer and want to write better computer systems, libraries, APIs or whatever you like to call those software-like things.

I'm happy because after some months of waiting the OCL patch has been applied to FreeDesktop's CVS; in some future you'll see "detected" OCL files in your system, if you are using GtkSourceview then you may not have to wait too much ;-).

I will restart working on the Generics Reverse Engineering, have to. Generics are great and in the future, maybe, all C# code will reference them.

I would love to have more free time to do so.

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