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Regarding POSIX Semaphores
Sep 07, 2006

POSIX Semaphores are based on the work done by Dijkstra, actually he's the father of the semaphores. I spent all day trying to emulate its behavior by using Win32 Semaphores, but nothing seems to work, however will try it tomorrow. Don't know if this failed implementation is related in some way to Win32's semaphores' behavior, however tomorrow should be finished, 'cause next week will doing other stuff that needs my full attention while implementing.

Next week, I'll be porting a QNX's ThreadPool based application by replacing current threadpool with GLib's Threadpool, would love rewriting all the structures currently used to an object oriented model such as GLib's, maybe next release, we don't know.

In the meanwhile, let's have some fun this weekend!!

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